Beit Daniella
Beit Daniella is a rehabilitative day center for youth, ages 12 through 18, who are struggling with mental health issues and in need of a transition day center (6 months to a year) to help them integrate back into their lives and communities.
The center operates daily from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at Havat Harei Yehuda near Tzur Hadassah. Situated in the pastoral Judean Hills, the center emphasizes empowerment, incorporating animal assisted therapy and nature as a central healing element. There is an individualized study program to reduce gaps in education and develop learning skills and gain confidence as a student. For youth suffering with eating disorders, there is group therapy under the guidance of Dr. Rachel Bachner as well as DBT groups under the guidance of Dr. Noga David, one for youth and one for parents.
Beit Daniella's mission is to provide youth with skills for emotional regulation and inner balance and at the same time, facilitate and guide gradual integration into the community. The end goal is for the participant to learn to manage his/her illness while living a full life within his/her family and community.
Participants referred to Beit Daniella are obligated in parallel to be seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist ( and nutritionist-in the case of an eating disorder) with the understanding that this care will continue beyond the period of rehabilitation at Beit Daniella.
Participants must be cooperative and motivated for rehabilitation.
Eating Disorders
Mental Illness
Social Support
Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy
Kosher Food