
Below is a list of organizations that provide subsidized mental health or social services in Israel.

Name Population Services Location
Holocaust survivors and their families, Trauma victims and the general elderly population. Full range of psychological and social services to Holocaust survivors, their families, trauma victims and the elderly population. 14 clinics around the country - Naharia, Kiryat Motzkin, Haifa, Netanya, Petach Tikva, Tel Aviv, Holon, Ramat Gan, Jerusalem, Rishon Letzion, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Rechovot, Beer Sheva
Individuals in a crisis situation Functions as a confidential resource center that combats crisis through awareness and support, with expertise and care for those in need, their families, and entire communities. (Addiction, domestic violence, sexual abuse, mental health, awareness and prevention). Worldwide, 55 cities all over Israel.
Families Advocates, guides, and escorts people through the maze of mental health services to the point where they can survive, thrive and flourish independently (Crisis support, Family support, Family & Sibling therapy, Legal support, Awareness, Advocacy and Training and more). Ramat Beit Shemesh
Adults and Children 18 mental health clinics throughout Israel, providing therapy to adults and children facing psychological and emotional challenges; treatment for abuse for women and children; emergency hotlines. Ariel, Ashdod, Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak, Elad, Jerusalem, Greater Modiin, Karnei Shomron, Kedumim and Zichron Yaakov
Lone Soldiers A purpose-built home for lone combat soldiers, and guidance center for all lone soldiers. Raanana
Adults 18+ A non-profit, training clinic which provides subsidized state-of-the-art psychotherapy. The clinic is led by a staff of national and international experts in the fields of cognitive behavioral therapy, dynamic therapy, experiential therapy and couples and family therapy. Beer Sheva
Bereaved by suicide, homicide and traffic accidents Operates four support centers for families grieving loss by suicide, traffic accident and homicide on behalf of the Ministry of Welfare; the families receive long term support which include individual counseling, couples and family counseling, support groups, spiritual care, assistance by volunteers, and a closed support group on Facebook. Tel Aviv
Women Mental health services for women at no cost; focused on preventative medical care, education and outreach for Jewish women. Jerusalem
Hebrew Speaking Soldiers Helping IDF soldiers overcome combat-related trauma. The program includes professionally guided meetings, support-group activities which take place in the outdoors and an ongoing personal support, as needed. During this time of war, Bshvil is providing emergency mental resilience support for soldiers in war zone. Throughout Israel
Jewish women coping with mental illness A peer led mental health support group for Jewish women dealing with any mental illness or the mental illness of a loved one. Telephone based support, worldwide.
Teens and Young Adults Provides essential prevention and intervention programs for Anglo teens and young adults in Israel in order to reach their potential and thrive. Jerusalem
Individuals seeking self defense and protection Operates a center that hosts ongoing classes and workshops in Empowerment Self Defense (ESD). Focuses on empowering women and children across Israel by equipping them with practical tools for personal safety, self-protection, asserting boundaries, and conflict management in risky and violent situations. Jerusalem
Victims of Child Abuse Eli is recognized as the only organization in Israel that deals specifically and exclusively with various aspects of child abuse. Most importantly, they provide hotlines, education, therapy, legal counseling, shelter, and support services to families. During this time of war, Eli has been providing emergency therapeutic trauma intervention to survivors and evacuees from towns along the Gaza border. Tel Aviv
Children Provides life-changing services to help children and families to break the cycle of distress, and to build their own rewarding and stable lives and families. At this time of war, Emunah’s 13 counseling centers offer counseling and therapy to Israelis who have been traumatized by the horrors they have witnessed and the upheaval they have experienced. Throughout Israel
Men, Women and Children with mental illness and their families Offers a range of mental health rehabilitation services in the domains of housing, employment, social-recreational centers, early intervention, family consultation and balancing houses as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. 85 centers nationwide
Israeli Citizens Provides lifesaving emotional first aid services, offering initial response and emotional support on the phone and online, while maintaining strict confidentiality and anonymity. Phone Service
People needing assistance in getting the rights that they are entitled to. Assists With Sal Shikum and exercising medical rights. Throughout Israel
children, young adults, adults Psychological support services and rehabilitative programs for people suffering from psychological disorders, emotional issues and mental illnesses. Bnei Brak
At-Risk Youth Provides educational and therapeutic programs tailored for at-risk youth, trauma survivors, and individuals with disabilities from all corners of Israeli society. At this time of war, they are running immediate trauma intervention programs for youth of the communities surrounding the Gaza strip. Bat Yam
Teens and their families Runs a non-profit therapy program for teens and their families. The clinic offers individual therapy, family therapy and parenting guidance at subsidized rates for both English and Hebrew speakers. In addition, there are parenting workshops and teen social skills groups. Ramat Beit Shemesh (RBS)
Youth and young adults (ages 12-25) Under the direction of Enosh – The Israeli Mental Health Association, Headspace is a psychological support and counseling center for youth and young adults who are experiencing emotional challenges. Bat Yam
Children and adults with disabilities throughout Israel Supports and helps children and adults with disabilities throughout Israel. The goal is to provide individuals with tools enabling them to make decisions about their own lives and gain independence for living and working in the community. Throughout Israel
Israeli Citizens Over the years, it has become the cornerstone in the national response in the treatment of trauma, emergency preparedness and a global resource. They manage 12 national resilience centers, regional training centers, provide training in clinical and psychosocial rehabilitation – family, individual and community and work to strengthen the resilience of clinical and intervention teams. 12 Locations Throughout Israel
Adolescents and their families A private non-profit social service agency dedicated to working with adolescents and their families who are experiencing emotional and/or behavioral challenges. During this time of war, they provide professional supervision, planning, and therapeutic resources nationwide. Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh
Anglo gap-year students in Israel Mental Health Referrals: They connect individuals with the right psychotherapists, psychiatrists or whichever clinicians they need, to ensure they receive the highest level of care and healing. Financial Assistance: They offer financial assistance for those that can’t afford the costs of therapy, to make mental health services accessible to all Anglo gap-year students in Israel. Throughout Israel
Women facing challenges with fertility Psychological support at no cost, as well as yoga, relaxation and stress management programs. Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh
Men and Women Treatment for men and women over the age of eighteen who suffer from addiction or pre-addiction to gambling, sex, pornography, food, codependent relationships, computers or the internet. In addition, they offer support and guidance to family members of addicts. Modiin
Young adults and adults Provides individual, couple and sex therapy through a wide range of experts. They also cater for the tens of thousands of teens and young adults who come every year to participate in immersive and educational experiences in Israel. Jerusalem
Children with dyslexia, speech and language disorders, and other specific learning disabilities. Founded by parents and professionals; seeks to empower children with dyslexia, speech and language disorders, and other specific learning disabilities with the tools to succeed in the classroom and beyond. In addition they provide didactic assessments and intervention for dyslexia and other learning disabilities, professional and parents workshops and advocacy work. Beit Shemesh
Children in the various stages of cancer, diagnosis and treatment A non-profit organization that offers evidence-based martial arts therapy to kids. The focus is on pain and stress management for pediatric patients, as well as creating resilience and support for otherwise healthy children. Raanana
Survivors of sexual abuse and their loved ones; community members with SA related questions and concerns Creates safer communities by developing and implementing programs and services that focus on well-being of victims, holds predators accountable, and eliminates the stigma surrounding sexual abuse. They advocate for survivors within their communities, institutions and through the justice system; raise awareness and promote safety through educational events, creating and publishing resources, and the mainstream and social media. Throughout Israel
Parents of teenagers (12-18 yr olds) who live in Jerusalem Provides weekly parental guidance or family therapy sessions. The therapists are highly trained with years of professional experience, and include several native English speaking therapists. They serve the various different communities in Jerusalem (secular, religious, haredi) while ensuring cultural sensitivity and understanding. Jerusalem
Women facing challenges with fertility Holistic approach including counseling sessions with a social worker specializing in the field of fertility, guided imagery, body empowerment through physical training, yoga and movement therapy. Jerusalem
Couples dealing with challenges in their marriage Couples counseling, education regarding sexuality and intimacy in the Jewish community. All over Israel
Trauma Victims Clinical intervention for people who were exposed to trauma. During this time of war, Metiv is working around the clock to treat survivors, to support soldiers, parents, teachers, and community members, and to train mental health professionals in trauma treatment. Jerusalem, Talpiot
Victims of Trauma, bereaved, at-risk youth and special needs. A nonprofit organization run by a community of volunteers who aim to improve the lives of members of diverse groups, by strengthening them and helping them to acquire individual and team skills by means of journeys at sea. Herzliya
Families of those dealing with mental illness The family counseling center offers support, counseling, information and guidance to families coping with the mental illness of one of their family members. Carmiel, Haifa, Netanya, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Eilat
Children, Teens, and Parents Provides support to children and teens that are struggling academically, emotionally, socially and/or with Aliya related issues through the professional mentoring program. They also provide support and guidance to parents through webinars, workshops, support groups and one-on-one therapy and guidance. Yerushalaim, Beit Shemesh/RBS and Beitar
Victims of Trauma An apolitical organization providing multidisciplinary treatment and support to direct and indirect victims of trauma due to terror and war in Israel. Based in Tel Aviv but can treat in other cities as well
Families of those suffering from severe emotional dysregulation and/or BPD Offers families of those suffering from severe emotional dysregulation and/or Borderline Personality Disorder, a free twelve-session course (Family Connections) that provides information about the disorder and teaches the necessary skills to help families cope. Jerusalem, Raanana and Haifa
Women in crisis during pregnancy or after birth Provides emotional, psychological, and financial support to women in crisis during pregnancy or after birth Jerusalem
Lone Soldiers from haredi backgrounds Supports haredi soldiers throughout their military service, up to and including their discharge and integration into civilian life, to help them grow through their military service and emerge as employed haredi Jews with a deep sense of connection to Torah and mitzvoth. 26 Bezalel Street, Jerusalem
Lone Soldiers Ensures that returning IDF Lone Soldiers receive the critical support and resources they need to navigate a successful return to civilian life. New York
Women with postpartum depression and their families Provides services and program to help in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of women suffering from PPD, as well as providing service for the families. All areas of Israel
Victims of terror attacks Empowers victims of terror to rebuild their lives, rehabilitate and reintegrate through emotional, legal, and financial assistance programs geared toward each of the following: Orphans, Bereaved Parents, Parents of Injured Children, Widows and Widowers, Young Adults, and Youth Injured and Bereaved. Jerusalem, Southern Region, Central Region, Northern Region
Veteran IDF Soldiers During this time of war, Protective Partnership provides innovative treatment , which helps minimize the chance of developing post-trauma and to shorten the time of recovery and return to routine. Throughout Israel
Couples facing challenges with fertility Helps those struggling with fertility, womens health, mens health, genetics or intimacy. PUAH advisors embody a unique synthesis of rabbinical knowledge and specialized training in modern reproductive medicine to provide the best guidance possible. Their counseling and guidance is free-of-charge, helping to ease the difficult journey. Jerusalem
Individuals with disabilities from infancy to adulthood Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion. Jerusalem
Children, Young Adults, and Adults with Special Needs Provides solutions for people from all sectors of Israeli society (Jews, Muslims, and Christians, religious and secular) with disabilities such as learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, PDD, Aspergers Syndrome, physical and sensory disabilities, and people requiring nursing care in the areas of independent living, vocational rehabilitation, cultural and leisure activity, therapeutic services, counseling and accessibility. Baed in Jerusalem with locations throughout Israel
Adults with psychiatric disabilities Develops and provides state-of-the-art vocational, supported employment and leisure and recreation psychiatric services in the community. Throughout Israel
Familes and Couples Treat families and couples from all walks of life, regardless of their financial situation, who are suffering from emotional distress and experiencing difficulties in their lives. Based in Jerusalem
Hebrew Speaking Soldiers Provides discreet and free psychological assistance to men and women released from the IDF who are on the spectrum of post-trauma and are not diagnosed and treated by the Ministry of Defense, as a result of repression, shame, fear of asking for help, or difficulty facing the bureaucratic process. Throughout Israel
Children and teens Programs are designed for the diverse needs of children with disabilities, including ADD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities and general developmental delays, while still being a program that can be enjoyed by their peers who don’t have disabilities. Jerusalem
Oleh Teens Non-Therapy resource to help combat difficulties that teens will encounter throughout their journey of Aliyah. Virtual
LGBTQ Community The LGBTQ clinic at The Aguda specializes in providing emotional support and assistance to LGBTQ community in a variety of fields such as: Coming out of the closet, dealing with and building self-confidence and self-image, LGBTQ relationships and parenting, support and consultation in gender adjustment processes, assistance and emotional support in crisis and loss situations, treatment of addictions and more. Throughout Israel
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families Research, training, clinical services and community engagement for the benefit of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. Jerusalem
Lone Soldiers Supports lone soldiers and lone b’not sheirut. Jerusalem
Adults, Children and Families Increasing the accessibility to psychological services with short waiting periods and reduced fees to mentally distressed community members, adults, children and families. Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University - Ramat Gan
Women A therapy center for women; Offers the general public expertise and knowledge regarding therapy with women and on issues connected to a women’s emotional and psychological world. Jerusalem, Ramat Gan
Women Promotes tolerance and inclusiveness; Promotes women’s mental and physical health; Empowers women and enables meaningful religious, spiritual and personal experiences. Jerusalem
Men, Women, Couples, Adolescents, Children Offers a variety of quality clinical services at low-cost to the greater community - Individual therapy, Couples therapy, Family therapy, Adolescent therapy, Child therapy, Trauma and Sexual abuse therapy. Jerusalem
Children, adolescents and young adults Offers psychosocial rehabilitation services - therapeutic communities, vocational support, assisted living, sports and arts groups. They also run a subsidized psychotherapy clinic and provide psychosocial services for foster families. Throughout Israel
LGBTQ+ Community The Tel Aviv LGBTQ Center offers a home to the LGBTQ+ community in Tel Aviv-Jaffa and the surrounding areas and acts as an umbrella organization for local LGBTQ+ activity, while promoting initiative, partnership and social involvement, creating culture and offering assistance and counselling services. The Center, acting as a generator for the community, aims to bring together the different parts of the mosaic that make up the community and the re Tel Aviv
children and parents Leads in the development and operation of educational therapeutic programs for families and children at risk, enabling them to cope more successfully with lifes challenges. Jerusalem, Merkaz (center), and Northern Israel