Miriam A. Wolfe
Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
350-500 NIS
Sliding Scale | Student Discount
I offer individual psychotherapy, brief and long-term, to help people understand themselves better and deal with life's challenges and make the most of their potential in the areas of interpersonal relationships at home, school and work. My approach integrates psychodynamic/psychoanalytic and supportive therapies. I work with a wide range of issues from adjusting to a positive life change to the effects of childhood trauma.
Psychotherapy is an interactive, collaborative, and reflective process where we will explore current life issues in the context of past experiences with the aim of developing new ways of being or interacting in relationships. I am interested in issues concerning recovering from infidelity. I am also interested in assisting maturing adults with age related challenges i.e. lonliness.
Illinois School of Professional Psychology
2003-2004 Fellow in Psychoanalysis - Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis
2009 - Fellow in Psychoanalysis - Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis
2012 - Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis
2012 - Mediator
2012 - Fellow - Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois - Child advocate and Divorce coach
2012 - Trained in Parenting Coordination for high conflict families
2017 - Certificate in Psychoanalysis - National Institute for the Psychotherapies.
Online Therapy
Anxiety / Panic
Family Issues
Mood Disorders
Trauma / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD
Child Abuse
Couples / Relationship / Marriage Counseling
Divorce / Custody
Life Transitions
Parenting Issues / Training
Spiritual Concerns
Gap Year
Play TherapyPlay therapy is an evidence-based, developmentally appropriate form of intervention used to facilitate emotional, cognitive, and social growth in children. Play therapy is based on the premise that play is the child's natural medium of self-expression and can be used to assess and help a child work through difficult emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The goal of play therapy is to help children develop the skills and abilities to navigate life stressors, and build self-esteem. During treatment, the therapist creates a comfortable, safe environment (a playroom) for the child to play with as few limits as possible. The toys in the playroom are intended to encourage the child to express his or her feelings and develop healthier behaviors. The child’s “play” with these toys serve as the child’s symbolic words, which may be difficult to express otherwise.
Psychodynamic TherapyPsychodynamic therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on the unconscious mind and how it affects behavior. It works to help people understand and work through past experiences and feelings that may be causing difficulties in the present. This type of therapy encourages individuals to explore their emotions, relationships, and behaviors in order to gain insight into their current difficulties. It can help individuals better understand themselves and their motivations, and gain insight into how past events have impacted their current lives. People tend to develop defense mechanisms when faced with challenges in life. Defense mechanisms may keep painful feelings, memories, and experiences in the unconscious. A few common defense mechanisms include: denial, repression, and rationalization. Psychodynamic therapists encourage people to speak freely about their emotions, desires, and fears. Being open may help uncover vulnerable feelings that have been pushed out of conscious awareness. According to psychodynamic theory, behavior is influenced by unconscious thought. Once painful feelings are brought forth and processed, the defense mechanisms are no longer needed and a person in treatment can start changing unhelpful patterns when coping with life’s challenges.
Relational PsychotherapyRelational psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on a person’s relationships with others and the dynamics between them. It emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist, and it explores the meaning and purpose of relationships in the client’s life. Relational psychotherapy seeks to understand how the client’s past relationships shape their current experiences and how the client interacts with others. The goal is to help the person develop healthier relationships and better communication skills so they can become more emotionally connected to others.
Individual Therapy
Clinical Supervision
Couples Therapy
Hadrachat Horim