Jackie D. Schiff
500-700 NIS
I am an American trained Psychologist (licensed in NY and CT) with over 25 years of experience. In NY, I received a post-graduate certificate in Mind-Body-Soul Integrative therapy and studied Healing Visualizations for many years with Dr. Gerald Epstein. Once I moved to London I was registered as a Chartered Clinical Psychologist. I am now based in Raanana, Israel. Having lived in 3 countries I understand what it is like to adjust to change, new ways and cultures and enjoy working with Olim. I offer a multifaceted approach that uses a broad and deep range of modalities from timeless ancient wisdom, with their roots in the Torah, to the latest in modern psychology and the neuroplasticity of the brain. This Holistic approach goes beyond Mindfulness to include healing visualizations, mental imagery, breathing techniques, mind/body/soul integrative therapy, cognitive psychology, psychodynamic psychology, self-psychology, dream work, waking dream therapy, and Spirituality. I pay attention to you and your needs and bring in the treatment most appropriate for you at the moment. I work with children, teens, and adults and specialize in anxiety, depression, dealing with life transitions, feeling stuck, blocked creativity, inner child work, infertility, pregnancy, mothering, parenting, and menopause, physical illness, cancer, stomach ailments, lyme disease, finding meaning, purpose, and direction in life. Often the mind can make us sick, the good news is, the mind can also help us heal. It goes both ways. In sessions, you will learn new skills to transform you from the inside out. My focus is to help each person become more centered so you can begin to access your own powerful natural internal resources, purpose and light to stand strong, transform your life, reignite creativity and face the demands of your day with confidence. In addition, I offer adult workshops and have lectured widely in London and in the USA. Popular workshop titles are: Love Your Children, Find Yourself Beyond 40, Rediscover Yourself Destress for Success Imagery: The Way to Change The Life Plan Please see my website for further details and other workshops on mental health and wellness.
Yeshiva University
Graduate of the American Institute of Mental Imagery, NY 2014
Telephone Counseling, Online Therapy
Anxiety / Panic
Life Transitions
Pregnancy, Labor, Delivery, Early Bonding
Anger Management
Family Issues
Parenting Issues / Training
Sleep / Insomnia
Spiritual Concerns
Stress Management
Trauma / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD
DreamworkModern dreamwork asserts that the only person that can make meaning of their dream is the dreamer, which is what separates dreamwork from dream interpretation. In dreamwork, the practitioner is a guide in the exploration of the dream, with the client making meaning of the dream for themselves. The reason the practitioner is only a guide is because thoughts, emotions, as well as meaning of symbols are deeply personal and subjective. Dreams can be used to uncover hidden feelings and beliefs, develop self-awareness, and gain insight into problems and potential solutions. Dreamwork is often paired with other therapeutic modalities.
Psychodynamic TherapyPsychodynamic therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on the unconscious mind and how it affects behavior. It works to help people understand and work through past experiences and feelings that may be causing difficulties in the present. This type of therapy encourages individuals to explore their emotions, relationships, and behaviors in order to gain insight into their current difficulties. It can help individuals better understand themselves and their motivations, and gain insight into how past events have impacted their current lives. People tend to develop defense mechanisms when faced with challenges in life. Defense mechanisms may keep painful feelings, memories, and experiences in the unconscious. A few common defense mechanisms include: denial, repression, and rationalization. Psychodynamic therapists encourage people to speak freely about their emotions, desires, and fears. Being open may help uncover vulnerable feelings that have been pushed out of conscious awareness. According to psychodynamic theory, behavior is influenced by unconscious thought. Once painful feelings are brought forth and processed, the defense mechanisms are no longer needed and a person in treatment can start changing unhelpful patterns when coping with life’s challenges.
Parent guidance, Waking Dream Therapy, Positive Psychology
Individual Therapy
Hadrachat Horim