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Working with Adolescents: The Art of Being the Dumbest Person in the Room
By: Liza Kramer, MSc
Date: December 27, 2020
Time: 19:30-21:30 IST
12:30-14:30 EST
Location: Online

Despite endless hours of clinical training or years of professional experience, many clinicians find their expertise come unraveling at the seams in the face of teenage clients.
This two hour workshop will explore ways to develop rapport with teenagers.

The workshop will cover teen development, the gift of authenticity and humor, building ego strength and success stories, and ways to engage a reluctant teen client.

The course which will include case and clinical studies,  will  also encourage clinicians to lean into the discomfort of being unmasked of our credentials, titles or experience in order to show up humbly and connect deeply with a  most vulnerable population desperate to be seen and understood.


Dr. Dani Kahn