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By: Nir Tadmor, MSc of IMPULSE

Date: September 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 2024
Time: 19:00-21:15 IST
Location: Online

Course Overview

Psychedelic integration is the process by which one weaves the experiences, lessons and insights from a psychedelic experience into everyday life. When this intricate process unfolds in the context of the psychotherapeutic container, not only does it allow for a safe exploration of the contents that emerged in the non-ordinary state, but it can also support the formation of a strong therapeutic alliance and catalyze transformations that will have a profound impact on the therapeutic process.

During this 6-week introductory course we are going to explore what it means and what it requires to hold a safe container for our clients to process their psychedelic experiences, while learning about the unique characteristics of different substances, the different ways that mindfulness and body-centered awareness can support the process, the relationship between traumatic and psychedelic experiences, and the different ways to support the client in translating these profound experiences into new perspectives, behaviors and ways of being in the world.

At the end of the course, participants will have a basic understanding of:

  • What psychedelic integration is and how to safely facilitate it within the psychotherapeutic process
  • The potential benefits, risks and phenomenologies of different psychedelic substances
  • How mindfulness-based techniques can support us and our clients during the psychedelic integration process in the clinic
  • Best practices around the navigation of traumatic content that came up during a psychedelic experience and around traumatic psychedelic experiences
  • What practices can support the client in implementing meaningful change into everyday life

This course will be recorded and available to registered participants for a duration of 14 days. Live attendance is encouraged for the best learning experience.

 Nir Tadmor


GHI Member

1900 ₪


2100 ₪

REGISTER AT GHI'S MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS (1600 ₪ for attendees of the conference. Visit the professional development booth at the event to register)