Ways to Manage Worry Instead of it Managing You – Part THREE

By: Daniel Baum

Worry! Ways to Manage Worry Instead of it Managing You
Part Three
Strategies to Help you Manage your Worrying
I am glad you are back again to read the final part of my blog Worry! Ways to Manage Worry Instead of it Managing You. In part three of my blog I will give you some specific strategies to help you manage your worrying.
Here are some specific strategies and tools that can help you avoid toxic worry. Let’s get to it shall we!
Hallowell’s Strategies of Managing Worry

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What is Somatic Experiencing (SE) ?

By: Ruth Shidlo

As a body-mind practitioner and clinical psychologist, I have found that incorporating principles of Somatic Experiencing (SE) into my practice has provided me with a whole new way of helping people move on with their lives when stressed, anxious, depressed, traumatized, or otherwise in pain (including living with chronic pain). So what then, is Somatic Experiencing, and how does it work?

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Ways to Manage Worry Instead of it Managing You – Part TWO

By: Daniel Baum

In part two of my blog, “Worry! Ways to Manage Worry Instead of it Managing You”, I am going to present to you some general recommendations and thoughts about dealing with worry.

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Ways to Manage Worry Instead of it Managing You – Part One

By: Daniel Baum

My goal, after you finish reading this blog is that you will get a more comprehensive understanding of toxic worry and the tools to help you manage it better. Managing your worrying in a healthier way will allow you to free yourself, increase your energy level and give you a greater ability to love yourself and others. Worry only inhibits the expression of love.

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Of Guts and Brain: The Gut-Brain Axis

By: Ruth Shidlo

If you are willing to make a few changes, “disease goes away as a side effect of health.” (Hyman, 2012, p. 29)

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Exodus and Anxiety

By: Ariel Penkower

Slavery, while terrible, represented a secure existence. By that, I mean that life was consistent, unchanging, certain. A slave will never achieve great things or recognition on a greater societal level, but he/she will also rarely encounter doubt and anxiety.

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Simmering Soup: On the Importance of Asking Questions

By: Robin B. Zeiger

Sometimes the question sits on the back burner like low-simmering stew that has all but been forgotten. An innocent question may ignite a fire in a chilly room and we are off in a new direction. Or sometimes it buzzes around like a nasty mosquito.

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Valuable Tips to Manage Pain

By: Ruth Shidlo

Given what we know today, it appears likely that unresolved trauma, whether minor or major, plays a role in the persistence of chronic pain, through mechanisms of kindling (a self-perpetuating phenomenon of neural excitation) and priming (in which the brain readies itself to respond a certain way), that cause us to continually brace ourselves against the threat that caused the pain or the internal threat of pain itself. This is great news, because it means that to the extent that the trauma is worked through at the body/mind level, the pain should either disappear or lessen.

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All Shapes and Sizes: Understanding the Many Manifestations of Disordered Eating

By: Johanna Hazan

I’ve met many young women who obsessively dieted and restricted food intake only to then binge or eat compulsively (often against their will in a sort of uncontrollable impulse), who are miserable and full of self-loathing, who’s entire existence revolves around what they can and cannot eat – but who don’t believe they have a real problem because they’re BMI is in the healthy range.

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Preparing for Seminary in Israel

By: Machon Dvir - The Dvir Institute

If your daughter is nervous about spending a year in Seminary in Israel, what are the issues to look out for, and how can you prepare her to get the most out of her year?

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To Be Mindful Or Not To Be

By: Chava Lederer

So, I encourage mindfulness.  I invite my clients to be mindful: to attend, without judgment, to the present moment. I invite them to notice themselves, and use that awareness to inform their next move.

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EMDR: How and Why?

By: Shulamit Lando

Personal and professional experience with EMDR

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Chewbacca Visits: The Power of a Dream

By: Robin B. Zeiger

Dreams bring images and messages from the depths of our soul. It is our psyche’s way of compensating for our conscious life, which is only one-half of our life-story. Our dream life brings a richness and ebb and flow to our daily existence. Likewise when we are in touch with our unconscious, there is a flow to our daily existence much like the ebb and flow of the waves of the sea. Our unconscious helps bring us light and creativity and vitality.

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Can Adolescents Act Abusively?

By: Aviva Zahavi-Asa

Parents are often reluctant to admit that their teenager is acting in ways which are abusive due to their own feelings of guilt, shame or a sense of failure. In some of these cases, the adolescent was exposed to domestic violence or experienced abuse within the family at an earlier age and then repeats familiar family patterns at a later stage. In other cases, however, no history of abuse exists within the family.

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In Relationship with Mental Illness

By: Chava Lederer

If your spouse suffers from a mental health issue or addiction, there are some concrete steps you can take to improve your life. These are the first pieces of building your relationship.

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How to Choose the Right Therapist

By: Tanya Prochko

Choosing the right therapist may feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to help guide you.

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10 Ways to Improve a Marriage

By: Naomi Sternberg

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were just 10 do it yourself fix it solutions…

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Hope and Healing: From Warsaw to Jerusalem

By: Micki Lavin-Pell

It was amazing how the strength of the comradery of the women enabled them to shift their view of themselves and their experience of MRKH from one in which they were hard done by and less of a woman, to feeling special. They were able to explore the possibilities that having MRKH presented to them. They also recognized the hope and possibilities that lay within their situation, on many levels. When the women started the workshop, many were nervous and fidgety. By the end, they were sitting up straight with big smiles on their faces and hope in their eyes.

What I learned was that we can all be hope experts, as we have all experienced life challenges. The more we recognize the challenges that we endured, remove the shame connected to those challenges and celebrate the accomplishments, the better able we can help others feel more hopeful too.

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Earth, Water, Air, and Fire

By: Chava Lederer

The four classical elements are channels through which we make contact with the present moment reality, and engage our uniquely human mind – a mind capable of creativity, of connecting to others, of faith and spirituality.  I offer you these four elements as resources in moments of stress, panic, fear, or any other overwhelming experience.

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